Hammer Girl Thoughts

 Hammer Girl Thoughts

During the production of my hammer girl level, my skills with Unreal Engine have increased vastly. Before this project, I was just managing to make platforms move when you stepped on them, and am now able to create an NPC that is able to talk to the player and even give them items. I feel much more confident using the engine now, and am no longer apprehensive when opening it up on my PC. I appreciate this, as it has been a vital stepping stone for me when it comes to game engines, and will make using the engine more of a familiar, enjoyable experience in the future. 

Not only this, but the level has also forced me to use my previous knowledge of top down level designs and apply them to this project on the fly. The fact that I am now able to quickly do something like this on the spot while developing my level shows how much I have grown in only a few months. I think about how I could populate the level and use props to direct the player subconsciously, which is something I wouldn't have thought of doing at the start of this year. 

Overall, seeing what people had made for this project made me worried at first, but at the end of all this I feel that I have achieved a similar level of quality and am proud of it. My understanding and competence of level design has benefited significantly from this project, and I am grateful. I shall look forward to using Unreal again in the future to see where my knowledge could be expanded next.


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